A regular pattern of daily prayer – even if the prayers are quite brief – enables us to meet life’s challenges with a stronger faith in God’s loving care.
Our YouTube Channel has range of prayer resources. Experiment to discover what works for you, from the Jesus Prayer, Taize, monastic offices, Lectio Divina (meditative reading of scripture), to the Rosary. Watch previous services, and listen to some wonderful music.

Daily Prayer and Worship this week
Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday at 9.15am on Zoom.
Evening Prayer: Monday to Friday at 5.15pm on Zoom.
Prayer for Ukraine: Tuesdays at 6pm in All Saints.
Private Prayer
All Saints is open for prayer Tuesday to Thursday 10am to 12 noon.
Daily Prayer Services
Here are some simple daily prayer services for each day of the week, designed to help develop regular prayer from day to day.
The Sacrament of Healing and Wholeness
On one Sunday a month the Sacrament of Healing and Wholeness
will be available during Holy Communion. More information can be found here.
Further prayer resources
The prayer of Spiritual Communion can be found here. This can be said by those who are watching the Eucharist online.
The Church of England has an excellent Daily Prayer app. It can be downloaded
from the App Store or Google Play.