One in Worship

Open in Faith

Outward in Community

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This Sunday is 3rd Sunday before Lent

Join us in All Saints or on YouTube this Sunday at 10am. Everything you need for the service is here.

Please consider giving to All Saints through a one off or monthly donation here.

The church has spaces for hire. More info here.

Everyone is welcome at All Saints, a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. Affiliated with Inclusive Church.

Prayers for Ukraine

Mondays at 6pm

24 February marks the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a major escalation of the war that had begun in 2014. There will be a Service of Holy Communion at 6pm as we continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and seek a just peace. All are welcome to come to this service and to come and pray with us every Monday at 6pm.

A Service of Reflection on the 5th anniversary of the Covid pandemic

Sunday 9 March at 5.30pm

A Service of Reflection on the 5th anniversary of the Covid pandemic to remember and reflect on the experience of the pandemic. We will grieve for those who died and for those who suffered anxiety and isolation. There will be a book of remembrance for all to contribute your thoughts and memories of the experience. All are welcome.


All Saints Choirs

The Junior and Senior choirs welcome new members to join us for Friday night choir practice and Sunday services. We hold regular taster sessions for children aged 6 and above. Please contact the Organist and Director of Music Ruth Holton, if you are interested in finding out more.


All Welcome West Dulwich

Knit & Natter on Wednesdays at 2pm
Tulip Café on Thursdays at 11am for over 65s and their carers
Tea, Cake & Poetry 3rd Thursdays at 3pm
SmAll Saints on Fridays at 10.30am for babies, toddlers, parents & carers


Halls for Hire

All Saints has a range of spaces for hire for a variety of events from meetings to birthday parties. Contact Zorah at to enquire about availability and prices. More info here.